Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hello to you all out there in the cyber world. I wanted to keep you all up to speed with all that is going on at the store.

As you all know, July is right around the corner! Unbelievable on how fast the days are going by. This also will signify the Christmas in July week! This week will be the last full week of July. It is at this time that we show you and tell you about the really neat projects that we have scheduled for classes. This is such a great way to be ahead of the Christmas Holiday!

I am always looking for class ideas no matter what time of the year it is. If you have an idea for a class, I ask that you tell us about it and we will see what we can do about putting it together for you! I am the guy that tries to fill up the calendar three (3) months in advance. So, I am always looking for a new selection of classes! What do you have to loose to give us your class idea(s).

Owning a business is not easy at all and I would like you all to know that. I look forward to working with my family and being more of this business. I hope that you all will send your ideas and help me out while I try to help all of you out. Don't forget that we also are trying to post product on our website for those of you that are out of state. Take advantage of what is on there,

Finally, I am getting married in 5 weeks and nobody has done anything as far as a party for me. I really would not care if it was a little party at the store. So, is there anyone out there that can surprise me for my wedding? I will even take a collection for a rocking chair fund! :) I am looking forward to reading all those ideas that come back to me.

I will be talking to you all very soon! Until tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day...........


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Scott,
You do a great job promoting Eden Creative Sewing Center, your parents must be proud. You're getting married??? When did you have time for that? Congrats, I'm sure a celebration will ensue. I have a few mini Christmas quilts that I have given as gifts. These would make fun projects. I'll send you some pics.
Janet Perc